Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Good/Bad Logos and Posters

Good and Bad Logos

Good Logos

Simplicity has its benefits. For one thing, people can remember it and identify it fast.

But a tick? We've seen it everywhere. Our worksheets used to be filled with 'em. Well, not mine. That explains why i'm not in JC right now. But hey, NIKE planted their flag on the renowned tick that we know to be their's today. It's associated with sporting goods of the highest quality - its appears on world famous jerseys and commercials. That's why you don't see it anywhere else, and thats why the Nike tick is for me, the best logo out there.

Have you ever realized that the FedEX logo has an arrow embedded into it?

Look between the "E" and "X" of "EX".

Federal Express has long been cultivating an image of trust and quality from their great service. However, their logo has appeared on every package we could dig out of our minds. It works.

The logo is so simplistic and decorative at the same time that we love seeing it on our mail and packages. It gives our delivery a sense of prestige.

Bad Logos

Unforunately, M1 has always been in the bottom of the pack.

Overshadowed by the striking green of StarHub and aggressive red of Singtel, the undistinguised orange M1 Logo (which somehow features forgettable white and blue text) is, uh, undistinguished.

Orange isn't a powerful colour. It puts off as a weak red. Therefore, M1 is on one of the worst logos out there for me, because they've not been able to outclass - or at least, equalize - themselves within their competition.

Sure i've praised simplicity but this one's practically inextistant.

Try opening Microsoft Word, write "Temasek" using "Trajan Pro" font, put a line underneath it, press enter and then type "Holdings" and you've just emulated the logo of one of the world's most successful investment companies.

Though Temasek Holdings isn't a marketing company that's trying to build a memorable corporate logo to affixiate into the minds of their consumers, the logo still sucks.

Good and Bad Print Ads

Good Posters
Hugo Boss has done a great job with Jonathan Meyers. Despite being the center of attention, Hugo Boss still makes the poster revolved around Hugo Boss. We wouldn't mind looking at his sexy face either.

This one's really funny. It's implying that the war in Iraq was for the fuel. They're trying to get to the point and not cover up by saying that thats what they provide. This print ad was award-winning, and we know why.

Bad Posters
This one's bad because the screaming guy is very annoying. They're trying to promote a tattooing company but its really out of the points.

Alicia Silverstone is irrelevant. PETA should worry more about making a meaningful message to protect the animals than to make an animal out of this celebrity.

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